Dojo Rules for Re-Opening!

Hello Douvris Community,

We are so happy to finally be open! The dojo has missed it’s students. We know everyone is very excited to see each other. Let’s make sure we’re able to remain open by following these NEW dojo rules:

1) Physical Distancing: Please respect the 2-metre social distancing rules as outlined by Public Health. 

2) Online Class Reservation Mandatory: You MUST reserve your class online before arriving for class to avoid exceeding our maximum occupancy. Contact Kay or Vania at to activate your Douvris Student Login.

3) Drop-Off/Pick-up is Highly Recommended: There may not be space in the lobby/waiting area.

4) Ready for Class: Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes to your scheduled class time and already in uniform. You can go straight into the dojo. The mats are marked with an X for you to stretch until class begins. Change rooms are not currently open for Kids/Tykes.

5) Sanitize: We have hand sanitizing stations in the lobby and in the dojo. We will also be asking students to wipe down any equipment you’ve used in class.

Our Zoom classes are still available if you are more comfortable training from home. Please contact us if you do not have the most up to date Zoom codes.

CHANGES TO NEW SCHEDULE: Please note, we’ve made some adjustments to our NEW schedule to better accommodate our students

We look forward to seeing you all back in the dojo,
The Douvris Team

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